How to properly clean your makeup brushes (and other beauty tools) is no new topic in the beauty industry. But just like most things in everyday life – it’s tough to keep track of every little thing you should be doing. When it comes to brushes, spoolies, sponges, and tools, keeping them properly cleaned will not only extend the lives of your precious products, but keep them safe and healthy too!
Makeup Brushes & Sponges
Beauty sponges, such as wedges or your beautyblender, should be cleaned by adding a cleaning solution and dampening with water while squeezing thoroughly. Rather than just let water hit the sponge, you want to gently distribute the soap to ensure a proper clean (you can even do this with a natural bar soap!). You may be in a hurry, but don’t aggressively twist, or you run the risk of tears. Make sure to squeeze out excess water and store in a ventilated area to dry it out. As far as the type of cleanser to use, beautyblender has their own gentle formula, but most mild soaps (or even shampoo) will do the trick for a variety of sponges, as well as a simple mix of dish soap and olive oil!
Like beauty sponges, you have to make sure to thoroughly distribute the cleanser throughout makeup brushes to completely remove leftover product. To clean brushes after daily use, simply spritz a brush cleaner (or the options above) and keep brushes somewhere they’ll dry. For a more in depth guide to makeup brushes, check out my makeup brush guide.
Beauty Tools
If you’ve also tried using makeup remover or soap and water to clean your eyelash remover with less than stellar results, you might need to try a new method. Like I mentioned in my eyelash curler tricks post, sometimes all you need is a little heat. Some people actually use a lighter to heat up (and melt away) extra stuck-on product, but it’s just as effective and a lot safer to run it under your blow drier or even soak it in hot water instead. Once heated, you can let cool enough to safely run tissue paper over it and voila! – good as new.
You can clean long overdue spoolies with the same solution you would a brush or sponge, but in the long run, it’s a lot easier to just make sure you’re giving it a rinse with each use. Excess brow gel or powder will generally come off with a bit of eye makeup remover – it’s how you get the product off your skin, after all – so grab a remover wipe and gently roll the spoolie over it after each use to make sure you start fresh each time. Save Up To 65% OFF eBay Today's Top Deals + FREE Shipping. Click here
Yep, you’ve gotta clean your hairbrush too! To do so, start by combing through (you can literally use a comb) the bristles to remove as much hair as possible. Then, soak it in warm water and a modest amount of clarifying shampoo… you guessed it… to extract the buildup. (If it can’t be soaked just dip it in a couple times.) Comb through it again and let dry. If it’s still dirty, it may be time for a deep clean or perhaps a new brush altogether.
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