Ah, the T-Zone. That area of your face that makes up your forehead, nose, and chin is often the problem area for acne and oily skin. But even if you don’t break out there, you still might get a little shiny once in a while. It’s a delicate balance between achieving that much sought-after dewy look and looking totally reflective, so try these simple steps to get rid of unwanted shine and get you looking your best.

Salt & water - Just like other beauty products you can nab from your kitchen pantry, a mix of salt and water can do the trick for your t-zone. Make a paste with equal parts of the two ingredients, apply it to your face for a few minutes, and wash away with warm water. Because salt is pretty drying, I wouldn’t recommend using this solution more than once a week.
Witch hazel - Witch hazel is a natural astringent, so it helps absorb dirt and oil. Dab a little on a cotton ball and apply to your t-zone. This one from Thayers has a sweet rose petal scent and aloe vera so you don’t dry out too much. If you don’t have witch hazel, rubbing alcohol will work too. Follow this link and get FREE Shipping On Daily Deals - New Deals Every Day! Save on thousands of products in different categories at eBay! Click here
Blotting sheets – Oil blotting sheets are compact and portable, and in a pinch they’re a great way to help reduce that unwanted shine. These mint sheets from Sephora add a perfect cooling effect for the summertime. Just dab them to the area and you’ll get a matte effect right away.
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